
Toowoomba Region Bushfire Risk Analysis | QLD

Toowoomba Regional Council and Meridian Urban

The detailed analysis undertaken by Toowoomba Region Council (Queensland) and its consultant, Meridian Urban, is to be commended. The work explored the current and future bushfire risk specific to the Toowoomba region and provided unique insights into the social, built environment, infrastructure, natural environment and economic risk profiles for bushfire hazard for each unique community in the region. This, combined with a ‘place-based’ approach to planning for each community and the inclusion of future fire weather implications of climate change, is unique and more fulsome than traditional approaches. The national applicability of this approach is clear and will influence future work on bushfire impact and resilience.

The judging panel was also impressed with the innovative use of heat mapping which presents an alternative visualisation tool for greater community understanding and awareness of the technical risk factors affecting an area. Recognising the increasing bushfire risk profile of the region over coming decades, the analysis provides the blueprint and tools to proactively position the region (and its settlement pattern) to adapt to changing fire weather under current and future climate influenced conditions.

The judges believe this approach to be best practice and commend its value at a national level, particularly as we plan for a dynamic and changing climate.