
2024 Key dates

Monday, 24 June 2024 - Nominations Open

Friday, 23 August 2024 - Nominations Close

Friday 29 November 2024 - Awards for Planning Excellence Ceremony

Simple steps to nominate

  1. Identify the category in which you will submit your nomination.

  2. Click on the relevant award category criteria below. Read through the objectives and selection criteria.

  3. Check that you have all the supporting documents you need to submit a nomination (as highlighted on the checklist).

  4. Click the 'nominate' button next to the relevant category. Fill out your nomination form, upload all supporting documents and images through the online form and submit.

  5. You're all done!

Nomination fees

A nomination fee of $230 + GST per nomination is charged for all nominations excluding Young Planner, Planning Champion, Great Place and Tertiary Student Project

After submitting the online form, you will see a link to proceed with payment of the nomination fee*.

* ÂÜÀò°®Å¾Íø has determined that nomination fees will be waived for projects where government agencies or not-for-profit organisations are the sole nominee.

If your organisation meets these criteria and you wish to apply for this waiver, please tick the box on the Nomination Form.

Award categories

Strategic Planning Project

Climate Change & Resilience

Community Wellbeing & Diversity

Planning with Country


Technology & Digital Innovation

Great Place

Improving Planning Processes

Stakeholder Engagement

Young Planner of the Year

Planning Champion

Planning Research

Tertiary Student Project

Conditions of Entry

Please read the Terms and Conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to be a member of ÂÜÀò°®Å¾Íø to enter a project in the Awards?

Unless the eligibility criteria for a specific category requires you to be a member, non-ÂÜÀò°®Å¾Íø members may enter the Awards.

Can I enter the same project in more than one category?

Yes, where appropriate projects may be entered in more than one Award category provided:

  • each nomination addresses the specific selection criteria for each category for each project, and
  • you pay the relevant entry fee for each category for applicable states/territories only.

How should I present my submission?

The written component of your entry must address the selection criteria and be presented in A4 format. Addressing the selection criteria in a clear and comprehensive manner is essential for the entry to be competitive as the judges use the information to help with assessment. We encourage the close involvement of the project team in preparing the submission as the judges are closely looking at the quality and robustness of the written content rather than the presentation materials.

Whilst some entrants spend money on graphic design for the entry this has no impact on the judging process.

Is the word count and supporting evidence word/page limit strict?

Yes. Any words that are over the word count/page limit will not be viewed by the judging panel.

Will my submission materials be returned?

No. Entries receiving Awards become the property of ÂÜÀò°®Å¾Íø and will not be returned.

Is there a fee to nominate a project?

Nomination fees are an important part of the financial structure that enables ÂÜÀò°®Å¾Íø to continue to provide a high-quality Awards program.

Entry Fees are $230 + GST per nomination. The fee is payable for nominations for all categories except:

  • Tertiary Student Project
  • Young Planner of the Year
  • Great Place Award
  • Planning Champion Award

ÂÜÀò°®Å¾Íø has determined that nomination fees will be waived for projects where government agencies or non-for-profit organisations are the sole nominee. This decision has been made in recognition of the difficulties these organisations can have either meeting the expense due to budgetary constraints or because of restrictions on expenditure for governance and/or probity reasons.

My project is not geographic/location specific and/or involved input from people around Australia. Which State or Territory Awards should I enter?

You are able to choose any State or Territory to enter a project that is not geographic or location specific and/or involved collaboration with people from a number of different locations but you can only submit one entry in one State or Territory. Multiple entries are invalid.

Types of projects that might fall within this scenario include books or academic papers.

Can I submit an International Project?

International projects can only be accepted on the condition they have been undertaken by an Australian project team/or individual based in Australia.

You are able to choose any State or Territory to enter an international project but you can only submit one entry in one State or Territory. Multiple entries are invalid.

International projects completed by project teams/or individuals who do not reside in Australia are ineligible to nominate.

Need help?

If you have any questions about the SA Awards please contact us at sa@planning.org.au