
Reduced Fee Application

* First Name
* Last Name
* Email Address

ÂÜÀò°®Å¾Íø Members can apply for reduction of fees as follows:

  • Reduction of fees for current membership year:
    • Unemployment: If a member is unemployed for all or a significant period of the financial year she or he may apply for a 50% reduction in the subscription amount for that financial year.
    • Parenting leave: If a member is on parenting leave during any or all of the financial year he or she may apply for a 50% reduction in the subscription amount for that financial year.
    • Hardship: If a member is undergoing hardship due to personal circumstances outside the above categories he or she may apply for a reduction in the subscription amount for that financial year similar to the above.
  • Reduction of fees ongoing:
    • Retirement: If a member (over 60 years of age) has retired from planning practice, or is working only occasionally, he or she may apply for a 75% reduction in the annual subscription amount.

I hereby wish to make application for reduction of fees for the following reason:

* Reason for applying for reduced fee
* Additional details to support application
If you have documents to support your application for reduced fees, you may upload them here or alternatively please post them to ÂÜÀò°®Å¾Íø National Office in Canberra.
Supporting Documents